Pi Day was widely celebrated at Oak Hill today, 3-13-15. Of course March 14 is commemorated as Pi Day because March 14 can be written "3-14" thus comprising the first three digits of the number π. This year this day is particularly exciting as the date is 3-14-15, the first five digits of Pi.
Some have even suggested celebrating 3-14-15 9:26:53 as Pi Second. Jeffrey S. Rosenthal, a Professor in the department of Statistics at the University of Toronto, presents Pi Instant. The time 9:26:53 can of course be extended out to 9:26:53.58979. From this Mr. Rosenthal deduced there is a precise moment when all the digits of Pi are represented by a certain date and time. "I thus propose that March 14, 2015, at 9:26:53.58979... (i.e., at 26 minutes and 53.58979… seconds after 9 o'clock a.m., where the remaining digits of 53.58979... all follow the digits of pi) be designated and celebrated as Pi Instant, the single instant when all of Pi's infinite digits are laid out before us. Start planning your parties now!"1
1. Rosenthal, Jeffrey S. (October 2014). "Pi Instant". Retrieved 13 March 2015.