Thursday, November 19, 2015

A Day at the Science Fair

Written by Vu Tran

On November 4, 2015 at OHCS we witnessed a great event in the school created by Mrs. Door, the science teacher; it was the Science Fair. Believe it or not, she managed to do the whole thing within one day: morning plan, to noon preparation, then evening demonstration. Approximately fifty posters were shown, four live experiments were performed, and three projects won. My favorite experiment was Michael Lizarazu's Dry Ice Bubble. Roughly ninety attendees came from all grades as well as some parents. The atmosphere was absolutely wonderful; it was merely a convention in a small space. All the applause, the stares, the amazing faces...I must say I haven't experienced that much interest in a long time now. All the credit for an amazing science fair to the staff, mostly Mrs. Door. In brief, if there are any science fairs coming again, you better join them.

Mata demonstrates an experiment for some younger students.

Students browse the science fair projects.

A warm welcome to students and teachers as well as an invitation to judge the projects.

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