Friday, October 18, 2019

Descriptive Writing Practice

by Calvin Wang, Seventh Grade

Once upon a time, there was an apple. Out of all the apples, Mrs. Sabin chose this one for Mr. Sabin. That apple was Bob. Bob did not know where he was being taken. All he knew was that all the other apples never came back. Suddenly, Mr. Sabin violently shoved him into his lunchbox. He stayed in the lunchbox for quite a time until light filled the box. Mr. Sabin sat Bob on the piano where a bunch of loud kids where staring at him. Later, at 12:00 P.M., Mr. Sabin took Bob off the shelf and stared at him. Then, he opened his mouth and bit into Bob!!! Terror, fear, and pain swept through Bob as Mr. Sabin munched on him. It wasn't long that he felt pain because he had joined his fellow apple friends. In apple heaven, there were so many trees to rest on, so many places to eat, and lots of places to play. The only problem that stood in their way was that they could not move. The apples all sat there at the gates of apple heaven just wishing that they could move.
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